

欢迎来到 VHCC图书馆

我们的 library offers top-notch educational and research resources for students and the community. 位于LRC大楼的一楼, 我们的图书馆设有小组和安静的学习区, 公用电脑, 免费打印, 工作人员随时准备为您提供帮助.

VHCC library staff are excited to connect you to the library resources and services we provide to our students. 如果你需要帮助,请毫不犹豫地tg反波胆足球平台! 


The VHCC 图书馆 is located on the bottom level of the Learning Resources Center (LRC) building in LRC 121. LRC大楼是一个很大的, 两层砖砌建筑,里面有凯泽剧院, 测试中心, MARC和IT帮助台. Access to the library is located between the first floor restrooms and the IT服务台. 


图书馆是个人和小组学习的好地方! 看看我们的空间,找到完美的工作区域,以满足您的需求. 小组学习桌位于图书馆的前面. Quiet study areas are located in the back of the library and along the perimeter wall. 


图书馆里有供公众使用的电脑. If you prefer to bring your personal device, WiFi is available throughout the library.


我们的 library has over 20,000 items in its collection, as well as thousands of online resources. 要查找我们的资源,包括物理和电子资源,请使用 快速搜索工具,或访问我们的校园浏览. 我们的工作人员很乐意帮助您浏览我们的印刷和数字收藏. 


使用您的VHCC ID从我们的收藏中借用物品. 大多数实物物品的借阅期为14天. 参考书, 期刊, 预订的物品不能外借, 但可以在图书馆使用. 我们的印刷材料是由 美国国会图书馆分类法 计划. 如果您需要帮助,请告诉我们的工作人员!


图书馆 materials can be returned 24/7 to the library book drop located at the entrance to the LRC building from the parking lot. You can also return items to the book return at the circulation desk during library hours. 逾期物品不会被罚款. 然而, 如果书没有归还, 它们将被视为丢失, 你要负责更换的费用. 您可以打电话给我们的工作人员或填写 更新项目 申请项目续期表格.


学生, 教师 和工作人员 can access our collection of online databases and journals both on and off campus using their myVHCC login. Check out our Virtual Research Center tab to explore our digital resources. 


有个人电脑供公众使用. If you prefer to bring your personal device, WiFi is available throughout the library.


The library has a printer available for student use, black and white prints only. 我们的复印机可以复印彩色、扫描和传真. 


图书馆 staff can help you find information or resources for your research or academic goals. tg反波胆足球平台寻求帮助或使用 图书馆Answers 提交一个研究问题. 我们可以亲自或通过缩放提供1对1的研究帮助. 


VHCC库处理对学生id的请求. 如果您需要身份证,请填写 学生证网页表格. 一旦我们处理了您的申请,图书馆工作人员会将您的借书证邮寄给您.


如果您需要我们馆藏以外的书籍或文章, you can request to borrow it from another library through an Inter图书馆 Loan (ILL). 填写我们的 生病的形式 提出你的要求. Make sure to plan ahead, because it can take up to two weeks to receive an item. 在下面的ILL下拉菜单中阅读更多关于我们的ILL过程的信息.


我们的 图书馆研究指南 (or libguides) are crafted to connect you to useful information and resources based on specific subjects and needs.


Use these links below to search our library’s collection of resources and databases. If you need assistance finding a resource for your assignment, please contact us for assistance.


You can submit your library or research questions to the LibAnswers "Ask-a-Librarian" page. 提交问题表单和聊天框将链接到库帮助. 当使用Ask-a-Librarian聊天服务时, please note that chat librarians may be with the VCCS or other academic institutions. 并不是所有的聊天应答者都是VHCC的图书管理员. If they are unable to assist, follow-up tickets will be sent to VHCC library staff.



This valuable resource provides full text for over 550 of nursing and allied health journals indexed in the CINAHL database, 其中许多没有禁运条款. 护士, 专职医疗人员, 研究人员, nurse educators and students consider this database an essential research tool providing full-text coverage dating back to 1981. (EBSCO)

Provides nearly 550 scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. 健康 Source: Nursing/Academic Edition also features the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, 涵盖了1个,300多张仿制药患者教育单配4,700个品牌名称. (专文)

全文收录护理学15篇, 药理学, 以及Lippincott Williams出版的临床医学电子书 & 威尔金斯.

Provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, 整体和综合医学. This full text database covers topics such as aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs & 酒精,健身,营养 & 营养学,儿童健康,男性 & 妇女健康等. (专文)

Provides consumer health information on many health topics including the medical sciences, 食品科学与营养学, 照顾孩子, 运动医学和一般健康. 健康来源:消费者版 provides access to nearly 80 full text, consumer health magazines. (专文)

AHFS消费者用药信息 is a trusted source and recognized standard for patient drug information, 有英文和西班牙文两种版本, 由美国卫生系统药剂师协会出版. Features: drug information written in lay language for consumers; Spanish version translated by experienced human health and medical translators (not by computer programs); monthly updates; “How To” monographs for administering different types of medications such as eye drops and inhalers; identifies medications that have the potential for adverse events when used by elderly patients. (EBSCO)

VHCC图书馆没有你需要的书或文章吗? 没有问题! 向我们索取VHCC馆藏中没有的书籍或文章 生病的形式.

图书馆间互借服务可供在校生使用, 教师, 以及tg反波胆足球平台社区学院的工作人员. Material availability is dependent on the lending library, and typically takes 最少5天 接收请求的项目. 有些ILL请求不能被其他库满足. 


  • You must be a VHCC student, 教师, or staff member to request items through Interlibrary Loan.  社区成员被推荐到当地的公共图书馆.
  • 申请必须是与大学相关的研究
  • 借款人一次最多只能持有五(5)份借据. 在归还这五件物品之前,不得提出其他要求.
  • No requests for textbooks or any required texts for a course are permitted.
  • 如果书在借阅期间损坏或丢失, 借阅图书馆收取的借阅费用由借阅人负责.
  • The borrower’s library account must be in good standing to request an ILL.

VHCC图书馆在整个学年举办活动和节目. Keep an eye out for library event advertisements on the information screens around campus, 斯托尔街日报, 还有活动板传单. 您也可以向我们的工作人员询问即将举行的活动!


在与 艺术的数组, the library space features a rotating art gallery wall to provide a vibrant space for our students and community. The library is dedicated to showcasing the creative talents of our students, 社区的艺术家, 和工作人员. Throughout the year you can find a variety of artwork that reflects the diverse voices and perspectives of our community. 艺术的数组 hosts occasional artist talks and workshops in the library space, 提供与本地艺术家接触的独特机会. 


你喜欢看书吗? 我们也是! Ask our library staff about joining the VHCC读书会 and connect with fellow readers.


Keep an eye on your student email to be alerted when therapy dogs are visiting our library! 与VHCC学生服务中心合作, 这些治疗犬是白天减压的最佳方式.


The VHCC library hosts all sorts of programs throughout the semester—from black out poetry and pet competitions to instructional tutorials and library card sign ups. 一定要留意图书馆里发生了什么事!

Monday-Thursday: 8 am-7pm
星期五: 8 am-5pm

*图书馆遵守VHCC校园关闭. 注册以接收关闭警报 VHCC警报

(276) 739-2542 | VH-图书馆@major-grubert-download.com


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